Tá cártaí lámhdhéanta na Nollag á sheoladh ag Rang a 3 chuig ár ospidéal áitiúil chun beannachtaí na Nollag a ghuí orthu & beidh Rang a 6 ag dul go dtí Ospidéal Dhroichead na Banndan inniu chun carúil a chanadh.
Rang a 3 have made Christmas cards to send to our local community hospital with best wishes for the festive season & Rang 6 will visit Bandon Community Hospital today to sing carols for the residents.
Rang a 3 have made Christmas cards to send to our local community hospital with best wishes for the festive season & Rang 6 will visit Bandon Community Hospital today to sing carols for the residents.